Artfully Yours – 12-24 APRIL 2021         

 Artfully Yours, the 14th annual Art Hawke’s Bay Exhibition,  will be held in a new venue in April 2021 – the Hastings Community Arts Centre in Russell Street, Hastings.

 This allows for a much longer exhibition, from Monday 12 April until Saturday 24 April. The annual event brings together works by members of art groups throughout Hawke’s Bay in one combined selected exhibition, during which all entries are for sale. There is also a separate section for sculptors.

John Brown is the art selector. He is currently living in Hawke’s Bay, after relocating from Auckland in 2013. He has been exhibiting since 1996, both internationally and nationally. In 2012 John won the Kaipara Wallace Arts Trust Award and in 2019 won the Molly Morpeth Canaday Art Award.

The sculpture selector is Susan Mabin who lives in Napier and is a multimedia artist working in installation, sculpture, painting and photography. Susan graduated from Ideaschool, Eastern Institute of Technology in 2018 with a Master of Professional Creative Practice, having completed a post graduate diploma in 2016 and her degree in 2014. She has been a finalist in the NZ National Contemporary Art Award in 2016 and 2017, the Molly Morpeth 3D Canaday Award and the Adam Portraiture Award in 2018, and the Molly Morpeth Canaday Painting and Drawing award in 2019.

This year’s exhibition does not have a Hawke’s Bay theme as in the past. Artists need to be members of a Hawke’s Bay art group or special members of Art Hawke’s Bay, however an exception is made for sculptors.

The art categories are: Land, Water, People, Abstract and Art Unlimited, plus the Sculpture category. The winners of all these categories will receive prizes of $300 each. Twelve Hawke’s Bay secondary schools have entered works by one of their students in the Schools category, for a prize of $250. Additional prizes will be awarded for Best in Exhibition ($400), the People’s Choice Award ($75) , a Mystery Prize ($350) and a Best of the Backroom Prize.

Opening Night will be from 5pm Monday 12 April, during which the prizes are awarded. start.

A floor talk by John Brown will start at 10.30am on Saturday 17 April, followed by Susan Mabin’s floor talk at 11.30am

A workshop will be held on Grisaille painting with Helen Dynes as tutor. This is free, for 10 artists, with the date being finalised.

The exhibition is a non-profit event, funded mainly by local grant providers and sponsors. Art Hawke’s Bay is very appreciative of their generous support.

Calling all Sculptors!   We welcome expression of interest from you..  please email Sheryl at