2022 Exhibition

What is Artfully Yours – our annual Art Hawke’s Bay exhibition?

Artfully Yours, the 15th Annual Art Hawke’s Bay Exhibition, unfortunately had to be cancelled because of Covid and the uncertainties this brings.  We were looking forward to holding it again at the new venue, the Community Arts Centre in Russell Street Hastings, from 2 – 14 May.

This event brings together works by members of art groups throughout Hawke’s Bay in one combined selected exhibition, during which all entries are for sale.

Artists need to be members of a Hawke’s Bay art group or special members of Art Hawke’s Bay, however an exception is made for sculptors.

The 2022 Exhibition did not have a Hawke’s Bay theme as often in the past.

The art categories were: Land, Water, People, Abstract and Art Unlimited. There was also be a Sculpture category.

The prizes for the winners of all these categories was $300 each. The Schools category winner prize was to be $250. Prizes were also to be awarded for Best in Exhibition ($400),  and a Mystery prize ($350).

At the end of the exhibition, there was to be a People’s Choice Award ($75).