A word from the Chairman

After twelve years as chairman it seemed time to step aside and give somebody else a chance to lead the Art HB team (committee). We have had some great committee members over the years and I am sure that the committee will continue to thrive in the future. Winnie has been treasurer for fifteen or sixteen years, and will also vacate her role at the next AGM. We have announced our resignation at the opening night of the exhibition to ensure that we reached as many art groups as we possibly could. It is up to our art groups and individuals to put themselves forward and to continue Art HB and take it to the next level. Winnie and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the various committees over the many years. It has been an experience! So many different backgrounds and ideas allow for some creative conversations and we have continuously tried to adapt Art Hb to the current times and inject new ideas every year. We got through two COVID induced cancellations and picked ourselves up again and flourished. Saying that, our committee has consisted mostly of artists and included some non-artists to keep those creative ideas in check. It is good to have people from different backgrounds in the committee. Our new relationship with Arts Inc. has been highly positive and deserves to be recognised. There is so much that can be developed in the future that I can only say that both Winnie and I look forward to attending the next exhibition as visitors, taking our time to actually enjoy the art instead of focussing on whether everything was in order. And I am sure that we will meet again next year as we fully intend to visit the exhibition, perhaps more than once.

We wish the committee and all the HB artists all the very best and hope that our HB artists will continue to support this unique annual opportunity to gather and show off what HB can do in terms of art.

Cheers, Nga mihi and tot ziens,


The committee thanks Hans for his dedication to Art Hawkes Bay over the 12 years he has been Chairman.
We also give thanks to Winnie who has also been very faithful to Art Hawkes Bay as its Treasurer
Thanks also to Wendy,Gina and Cherie for their valuable help…