A note from Chairperson

A note from our new Chairperson

 I have stepped into the Chair’s role with a vision and goal to see the continuation of  Art Hawkes Bay activities and in particular the exhibition, continuing to grow.  

I have a background of working with many committees, both in volunteering and professional capacities.  I’ve managed large teams of volunteers and for a time owned my own Training company working with the NGO and business sectors.

Once retired it was time for me to pursue a long held desire to paint!  So for the past several years I have been enjoying working with the mystery of watercolours.

At the latest AGM for Art HB we farewelled several committee members but also the welcoming of a new team, myself included.  We were very aware of the long commitment Hans bought to this role and we took time to thank both Hans and his wife Winnie, along with other departing committee members, for what they have contributed.  

I will have much to learn though I am not afraid of rising to challenges and most importantly giving things a go!  I am grateful for the trust the team has placed in me to rise to the challenge of Chair.

Recognising and acknowledging the vast pool of talented artists within our region is important.  Our committee team is looking forward to connecting with more of you!  It is our hope that more of you will come forward to support with ideas and activities.  Art HB is more than just an exhibition;  it requires dedicated people to make it all happen – and we want to keep the successes alive.

Artists always seem to be busy people – however, we want to network  with you.  To know who’s who, what’s happening in your Club, group, or with yourself and to pool and share ideas.  We are open to hearing from you.

New committee members are now getting to know others on the team;   tasks are being allocated and  focussing on the exhibition for next year has begun!  

Enjoy your art time, whatever it may be and we look forward to meeting you soon.


Joan Hay


ph 0276044616